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Is this where I talk about myself?


I'm totally TRYING to be more active on Instagram, but Facebook is my jam not gonna lie.

I N S T A G R A M   F E E D   B E L O W

Hi there! I'm Joni- I'm a certified Life Coach and self-proclaimed comedian. The motivation behind what I do is simple- I want to make a positive impact in people's lives& make them laugh while doing it. For some reason, people think I'm quite funny... and not to brag.. but I WAS voted Class Clown 3 out of 4 years during my high school legacy so... there's that. 


I go to TJ Maxx almost daily. If I don't buy something on my lunch break, someone should check to see if I have a fever. I take two hour baths 7 nights a week. Sometimes I buy random shit because the packaging is adorable but I have NO idea what I will actually use the product for. I cuss entirely too much & I don't drink because the second I start feeling the slightest bit "tipsy" I have a panic attack. I'm obsessed with all things fashion and home decor. I'm the mom of a sassy 9 year old and married to a tattooed military man turned white collar executive that I truly believe is the hottest human alive.


Thanks for checking out my site. Even if I don't personally know you, you're officially a friend because you're here! 

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